1. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
ok, so it's young adult fiction and like everyone has read it but for good reason! these books are completely enthralling and fun and fast reads. i seriously ripped through the whole series in a few sittings (and one was on a megabus) and then passed them along to my family that did the same. pick these up before you head to the beach this summer ;)
2. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
i've mentioned it on here before, but this book is good. it's about Jackson, Mississippi in the 1950s, it's about women, it's about civil rights. it surprises you and doesn't wrap up every storyline in a neat little bow.
3. Eating Animals by Johnathan Safran Foer
ok, ok. i know i'm a long time vegetarian so i'm totally biased. but i'm also a big fan of Foer's (go read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (so good! need tissues!) if you want to ignore this). it's his first (and reportedly last) foray into non-fiction but its really well done, not preachy, just a well written philosophical take on the issue.
4. Persuasion by Jane Austen
i'm totally obsessed with Ms. Austen, i'm not going to lie. but Persuasion has to be one of her best and slightly overlooked novels. it is such a fun read that really rings true so many many years and cultural shifts later (some things never change). this is another one i think i sat down and then realized i was almost done the whole thing.
ok, now it's your turn. recommend away ;)