Monday, November 14, 2011

art star craft bazaar - this weekend!

so in between the craziness of the wedding, the honeymoon, and getting back into the swing of things at my day job, i've been prepping like crazy for my first holiday show! The Art Star Craft Bazaar is this weekend in Philadelphia and things kick off with a VIP party this friday night. i am both super nervous and extremely excited ;) (clearly this is why i haven't been around these parts as much recently - also Blogger is freaking out and wouldn't let me post anything for the past 4 days...)

if you are in Philly make sure you stop by and say hello! and if you aren't make sure you check in with the shop next week for a massive update ;)


  1. Ooo yay!! I SO wish that I was still in NJ right now 1. because then we could hang out and get ice cream (yes, even though it's cold out up there) and 2. so I could do this event with you! I'm sure people will flock to your lovely handmade goodness - Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  2. i know! come visit! i can give you a scarf so you will be warm ;) also i havent had bent spoon in waaay too long... they also sell insane hot chocolate there

  3. Looks great! Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it went :)


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